The Roman numeral for 450 is CDL. "CD" represents 400, and "L" represents 50.
Roman numerals for 14 is XIV
That depends on whether the dot before the question mark is a period or a decimal point. 100 has one significant figure. 100. has three significant figures.
Expressed in figures, this is equal to 100.
The Roman numeral for 450 is CDL. "CD" represents 400, and "L" represents 50.
They are: M=1000, D=500, C=100, L=50, X=10, V=5 and I=1
the answer is XXII.XI.MMIX .
to know thw roman language
The number three in Roman numerls is "III".
6 in roman numerals is VI.
Roman numerals for 14 is XIV
That depends on whether the dot before the question mark is a period or a decimal point. 100 has one significant figure. 100. has three significant figures.