100 INR is equal to the13.227 RMB.
1 yuan is equal to 7.56 INR
ok, i hope you understand.
no it is not
RMB stands for Renmibi in Chinese Pinyin http://www.alidurrani.net
It now it 251261
The Chinese currency is the "Yuan" or "Renminbi". The official (ISO) currency code is CNY although many use RMB.
Take away 20% and you're left with 80%.80% of 20.99 = 16.79 .Doesn't matter whether they're dollars, lire, yen, pounds, bhat, sheqels, RMB, etc.
The currency of China is called the renminbi (often abbreviated as RMB), the main unit of which is the yuan. One Chinese yuan gives you approximately 7.56 Indian rupees.
100 RMB = $14.64 USD
100 RMB
100 RMB.
2500 RMB is equal aprox. 300 €
1 usd = 6.857 rmb/cny
Chinese Yuan Renminbi (CNY) or (RMB) and Pakistani Rupees (PKR) Currency Exchange Rate is: 1 CNY or RMB = 13.7112 PKR 1 PKR = 0.0729332 CNY 9/15/2011
1 rmb = 13.3799 tk
no it is not
2500 RMB in china
970 dollars
the popular is 13 RMB(about $2),the bigger one is 24 RMB( about $3.8)