

101 things to do in an elevator?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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12y ago

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I'm gonna start a few, I dont have exactly 101

1.Sit in the corner of the elevator dressed like a psycho. Rock back and forth, when a random person comes in the elevator start whispering to yourself getting more aggressive with your words as you talk. "No . . . I won't do it, Bob. I said no. They're innocent! I wont do it! You cant make me, Bob! I wont stab innocent people! Noooooo!"

2. Have you and two other friends stand in the middle of the elevator, swaying side to side with your eyes all closed and chanting to yourselves. "Let them join us . . . let them join us, Satin. Let them join. Let them join, let them join, let them join!" Look up at the person/people and smile crazily. "You're one of us now."

3.Stare, grinning at other passengers then say, "I like pie."

4.Stand silently looking slightly depressed in the elevator with a cooler labeled "Human hands"

5.Stare curiously at a passenger for a while then scream, "YOU'RE ONE OF THEM!" Move away from then, and when the elevator opens, run out the door screaming you're head off.

6.Lean against the button panel

7.Make explosion noises everytime someone presses a button

8.Laugh hysterically until other people start laughing then stop sudenly and ask, "What's so funny?"

9.Crouch in the corner and growl at anyone who gets on. If they try to pet you, act like you are frozen, and fall flat on your face.

10. Push the call button, and when the voice answers, ask, "God?!"

11.Stand alone, and when the doors open, tell anyone trying to get on that the elevator is full and to wait for the next one.

12.Push the top floor button, and tell everyone that you tried to kill yourself yesterday but the other building wasn't tall enough.

13.Without letting anyone see, press the emergency stop button. Act surprised and start talking to yourself "its ok, it wasnt your fault you killed your family. It was SATAN, damm you SATAN! DAMN YOU!!!" Then press the stop button again and act as if nothing has happened.

14.Wear all white clothes, and no shoes. Widen your eyes and about five seconds after someone gets on, scoot closer and closer to them until you're shoulder to shoulder, then slowly turn your head towards them and say, "I escaped the big squishy room. But don't worry, I'm a rabid bunny."

15. Act like you're asleep on the elevator anywhere. When you feel someone close to you, reach out for them and grab their legs, use their feet as a pillow.


When only one person enters the elevator, start breathing heavily and hold your shirt saying. "Cholstrophobic . . . cant . . . breathe! Air! Air! Need . . . AIR!"

17. Act surprised when it starts to move and say, "THE GROUND IS FALLING!"

18.Announce in a computer-like voice "This lift will self destruct in 5, 4, 3, 2 .....oh here's my floor."

19.Dress like a blind man/girl and when a man starts talking, look up and ask, "God?"

20. Put a black ski mask over your face, wear black turtle neck, black pants and shoes. Have a breif case with you full of rocks, labeled top secret. Walk into an elevator with one man inside and press the button to one floor below him and when it comes to your floor. Push the breif case into his hands and say, "Take it and keep it safe." Pat him on the shoulder and leave him.

21.Dress as spider man and hold a silly string can behind your back. When Someone walks in say, "Im spider man." Then spray the silly string on their back, stop the elevator doors from closing and walk out, then start singing the spider man theme song.

from : and

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