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Q: 10 different ways to say you guys?
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There are different ways to say it, but they all produce the same pattern:Start at 10 and count by twos.Start at 10 and count up, but don't say the odd numbers.The nth term of the sequence is ( 8 + 2n ).

What five different ways to say 1000?

one thousand, ten hundred, one grand, one k (1k)and 10 to the 2nd power or 1 x 10^2

What does a 10 year old girl like in a 10 year old guy?

It could be anything. Different girls like different kinds of guys.

What is 3 ways you can say 8 out of 10 in decimal and fractions?

There are 3 ways you can say 8 out of 10, including in decimal and fraction expressions. You can say 0.8 (decimal form), 8/10 (eight tenths), or 4/5 (four fifths).

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10 ÷ 60 10 ┌ 60 10/60

How many different ways can 10 girls and 10 boys be arranged in sequence?

Assuming that the only determinant is the gender pattern, there are 20!/[10!*10!] = 184,756 ways.

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How many different ways can you arrange the letters in the word journalism?

There are 10 letters is the word JOURNALISM. Since they are all different, the number of ways you can arrange them is simply the number of permutations of 10 things taken 10 at a time, or 10 factorial, or 3,628,800.

How many ways can 12 be written as the sum of two or more different positive whole numbers?

Six ways. Eleven if you ignore commutativity and treat 2+10 as different from 10+2.