If you round 29.7 to the nearest cent, it is 30 cents.
The number 29.7 to the nearest cent would be 30 cent. This is taught in math class.
30 is already rounded to the nearest ten.
It's already there.
If you round 29.7 to the nearest cent, it is 30 cents.
The number 29.7 to the nearest cent would be 30 cent. This is taught in math class.
You keep it as 30 cents. Because it is 30.109. The 30.109you just round it down to 0. So the answer is 30 cents even.
As it ends with a five, it will round up, so 30 is the nearest 10.
If you are rounding to the nearest whole number, 29.35 would round down to 29. If you are rounding to the nearest 5 or the nearest 10, it would round up to 30.
30 is divisible by 10, so it is already at the nearest 10.
30 is already rounded to the nearest ten.
To the nearest ten, 30