The divisors of 75 are 1,3,5,15,25 and 75 The divisors of 1394 are 1,2,4,17,34,41,82,697 and 1394 so apart from 1 they have no divisors in common and this means that the base improper fraction 1394/75 can not be simplified. Therefore 1397/75 = 18 with a remainder of 44 Th divisors of 44 are 1,2,4,11,22 and 44 So 75 and 44 have no divisors (except 1) in common and this means the the base proper fraction of 44/75 can not be simplified. So the complex number is 18 and 44/75
IEEE 1394 and i.LINK. Two other names for "Firewire" are IEEE 1394 and i.LINK.
139.4 = 1394/10 = 697/5
156 ÷ 9 = 17.33
The number 1394 is "one thousand three hundred ninety-four."The year 1394 would be "thirteen ninety-four."
The divisors of 75 are 1,3,5,15,25 and 75 The divisors of 1394 are 1,2,4,17,34,41,82,697 and 1394 so apart from 1 they have no divisors in common and this means that the base improper fraction 1394/75 can not be simplified. Therefore 1397/75 = 18 with a remainder of 44 Th divisors of 44 are 1,2,4,11,22 and 44 So 75 and 44 have no divisors (except 1) in common and this means the the base proper fraction of 44/75 can not be simplified. So the complex number is 18 and 44/75
1394 to the nearest ten is 1390.
Napa 1394 = fram hp-1
The apple mac name of IEEE 1394 is FireWire
No, you need a 1394 firewire Expresscard
The Sony version of the IEEE 1394 interface is called iLink.
No, 1394 cables transmit data independently of length.
It is the 25th of Ramadan, year 1394.