5.249 feet or 5.249333333333 US survey feet or 5.249343832 international feet
more precisely
The reason being that the conversion for US survey feet is: 1 meter = 39.37 inches or 3.2808333333 ft and for the international foot is: 1 foot = 304.8 mm exactly. So for shorter distances such as 160 cm the difference is negligible, dependent upon precision, but for longer lengths the error can become substatial.
230 cm = 7 ft 6.55 inches
219 cm is 7.185 feet.
Assume 160 lineat feet is a perimeter of a square. Then the square side equals 160/4 = 40 feet Then the area equals 40 x 40 = 1600 sq ft.
20 cm equals eight inches.
5 ft 11 inches = 180.3 cm
The answer is 5,45 ft=166,116 cm.
230 cm = 7 ft 6.55 inches
38.9 cm = 1' 3.3"
7.94 ft = 242.0112 cm
219 cm is 7.185 feet.
Assume 160 lineat feet is a perimeter of a square. Then the square side equals 160/4 = 40 feet Then the area equals 40 x 40 = 1600 sq ft.
20 cm equals eight inches.
170 cm divided by 30.48 cm (0ne ft) = 5.5777427822 ft
5 ft 3 inches = 63 in = 160 cm
divide by 30.48
One ft equals to 30.48cm.