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The question here is orders of magnitude. 1 gram = 1000 milligrams, and 1 milligram = 1000 micrograms and 1 microgram = 1000 nanograms, so 160 nanograms divided by 1000, divided by 1000 = the number of milligrams or 160 nanograms equals 0.00016 milligrams.

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Q: 160 nano grams equals how many milligrams?
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How many nano grams equal a milligram

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350 milligrams = 0.350 grams milli- : 10 E-3 (0.001) micro-: 10 E-6 (0.001)^2 (millionth) nano-: 10 E-9 (billionth) pico-: 10 E-12 (trillionth) femto-: 10 E-15 (millionth of billionth) atto-: 10 E-18 (bill. of bill.) zepto-: 10 E-21 (bill. of trill.) yocto-: 10 E-24 (trill. of trill.)

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nano is 10 to the power of -9, micro is 10 to the power of -6 and so number of nano grams in i micro gram is 10 to the power of -6 divided by 10 to the power of -9, giving an answer of 1000

How much is 779.4 nanograms over 0.5 micrograms?

0.5 micro gram = 0.5 x 1000 = 500 nano grams. Hence 779.4 nano grams is greater than 0.5 micro grams by 279.4 nano grams

What is measured in nanograms?

You can measure bacteria in nano grams as only 1,000,000,000 nano grams are in 1 gram ,so that you might not even be able to see the object what you weighing in nano gram.

How many grams are in ng?

If that's a typo and you actually meant mg then:1 gram = 1000 milligramsIf you actually did mean ng (nano grams?) I don't have a conversion for that.

How many grams in 350 milligrams?

350 milligrams = 0.350 grams milli- : 10 E-3 (0.001) micro-: 10 E-6 (0.001)^2 (millionth) nano-: 10 E-9 (billionth) pico-: 10 E-12 (trillionth) femto-: 10 E-15 (millionth of billionth) atto-: 10 E-18 (bill. of bill.) zepto-: 10 E-21 (bill. of trill.) yocto-: 10 E-24 (trill. of trill.)

How many nano grams are in a gram?

Nano is a prefix meaning 1/1000 000 000 or a thousand millionths. There are 1 000 000 000 ng = 1 g

How many pages does The Nano Flower have?

The Nano Flower has 608 pages.