6 = p - 17 + 1-------------------5 = p - 17-------------------p = 22
stuck between a rock and a hard place
Probability (P)of drawing 5 hearts (H) is: P(H) and P(H) and P(H) and P(H) and P(H). There are 13 hearts in a 52 card deck. So, probability is: 13/52 * 12/51 * 11/50 * 10/49 * 9/48 or 154440/311875200 or 0.000495.
17 S in a H P
P. H. McCarthy was born on 1863-03-17.
H. P. S. Rahim has written: 'Keluarga berencana'
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17 pink squares on a scrabble board
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P. H. Kapp has written: 'Ons volksfeeste' -- subject(s): Festivals
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J j h f d h a p a s o p J j h f d a p