18 stone is 114.3kg
39.683 pounds
It depends how thick the dough is and how much yeast is used.
18 ounces = about 1/2 kg (0.510291416 kilograms)
There are no onces in a kilagram, mostly because onces and kilagrams don't exist.
It is 39.7 to 44.1 pounds.
That is 0.1 Kg
18 kilos (kilograms) is the same as about 39.7 pounds.
600 gr = 21.1644 onces
18 grams is 0.018kg
16 onces in a pound, 2,000 pounds in a ton - 32,000 onces !1 t(US) = 32000.000 oz
so 113 kilos has 17.79 stones