.36169 troy ounce.
It is 90% silver. It contains about .362 troy ounces of silver in it. Multiply that by the current spot price to get the value.
A 1936 Walking Liberty half dollar has .36169oz of silver.
Half dollars issued from 1873 to 1964 weighed 12.5 gm when new and were composed of 90% silver and 10% copper, so they contained 11.25 gm of pure silver
There are .3617 troy ounces of silver in a 1958 Franklin half dollar.
A 1960 silver dollar, such as the Franklin half dollar or Kennedy half dollar, typically weighs about 12.5 grams. It is composed of 90% silver and 10% copper.
It's worth about $12.00 just for the silver.
All Franklin half dollars are 90% silver, 10% copper.
.36169 troy ounce.
$4.00- $120.00.
That's Roosevelt, not "Roseavelt" It can't be a half dollar either, because FDR's picture is on the dime. If you have a 1960 Roosevelt dime it's worth about $1 for its silver content. If you have a 1960 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN half dollar it's worth about $5 for its silver content.
It is 90% silver. It contains about .362 troy ounces of silver in it. Multiply that by the current spot price to get the value.
7-19-11>>> 1960 & 1960-D Franklin half dollars are not rare or even scarce, if the coin has any wear at all value is just for the silver about $14.00.
No, a silver dollar does not equal a half dollar. Instead, in the USA it equals a full dollar.
7-18-11>>> 1960 & 1960-D Franklin half dollars are not rare or even scarce, if the coin has any wear at all value is just for the silver about $14.00.
A 1936 Walking Liberty half dollar has .36169oz of silver.
The United States did not produce any dollar coins in 1960. The US did produce a silver half dollar in 1960, but unless it is in extraordinarily good Uncirculated condition (MS-65 or better), it is worth little more than its silver value (0.3607 troy ounces of silver - about US$6.70 as of January 13, 2010). Canada produced a silver dollar in 1960, but again unless it is in extraordinarily good Uncirculated condition, it is worth little more than its silver value (0.600 troy ounces of silver - about US$11.15 as of January 13, 2010).