1 gallon
4 qts in a gallon
1 gallon is roughly equal to 4.5 litres.
There are 16 cups in a gallon and half a gallon is equal to 8 cups.
1 gallon = 4 quarts 1/2 gallon = 2 quarts
1 Torr is equal to approximately 0.0193367 psi.
1 pint is equal to 1/8 of a gallon. 8 Imperial pints equal 1 Imperial gallon.
1 gallon
About 3,785.4 mL to equal one US gallon.
1 gallon = 256 tablespoons
there are 24 cs in 1 gallon
Pounds per Square Inch or Psi is a unit of pressure or stress. 1 bar is equal to 14.50377 Psi.
There are eight pints in a gallon
4 qts in a gallon
"1 psi is equal to how much kgf/cm2?" since, 14.696 psi is equal to 1.033 kgf/cm2 so 1 psi = 0.070291 kgf/cm2
1 gallon is equal to 4 quarts, so 12 quarts is equal to 3 gallons.
1 gallon equals how many quarters