

24.3 C is what temperature in F?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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24.3ºC = 75.74ºF

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Q: 24.3 C is what temperature in F?
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What is the tempreture of the moon?

On the moon the average daytime (facing the sun) temperature is around 107 C or 225 F but the high is around 123 C or 253 F. The average nightime (not facing the sun) temperature os about -153 C or -243 F.

Temperature variation on planets?

Planets experience temperature variations due to factors like distance from the sun, axial tilt, and composition of the atmosphere. For example, Mercury has a large temperature variation between its extremely hot day side and cold night side. The Earth's moderate temperature variation is influenced by its atmosphere and oceans, which help distribute heat across the planet.

Which planet's temperature is closest to that of Earth?

Venus has a surface temperature that is closest to Earth's temperature. Despite being much closer to the Sun, Venus has a thick atmosphere that traps heat, resulting in temperatures that can reach around 900 degrees Fahrenheit (475 degrees Celsius), which is similar to Earth's average temperature.

Which planet has the largest temperature difference in entire solar system?

Mercury has the largest temperature difference in the entire solar system, with daytime temperatures reaching up to 800 degrees Fahrenheit (430 degrees Celsius) and dropping to -290 degrees Fahrenheit (-180 degrees Celsius) at night due to its lack of atmosphere to regulate temperature.

What planet has a huge temperature difference between night and day sides?

Mercury has a huge temperature difference between its day and night sides. During the day, temperatures can reach up to 800 degrees Fahrenheit (430 degrees Celsius), while at night, temperatures can drop to around -290 degrees Fahrenheit (-180 degrees Celsius) due to its lack of atmosphere to retain heat.

Can you freeze on the the moon when it's night time there?

Yes you can. That wouldn't be difficult at all.The mean 'night-time' temperature on the moon is minus 153 C (minus 243 F).

What is the moon’s temperature?

In the sunlight the moon is 250°f but in shadow it is -243 isnt that cool

What planet has a temperature of negative 400 degrees?

Pluto is no planet anymore. All planets have very different temperatures at the surface. Mercury's Maximum Temperature 465°C (870°F) Mercury's Minimum Temperature -184°C (-300°F) Venus' Average Temperature 449°C (850°F) Earth's Average Temperature 7.2°C (45°F) Mars's Maximum Temperature 36°C (98°F) Mars's Minimum Temperature -123°C (-190°F) Jupiter's Average Temperature -153°C (-244°F) Saturn's Average Temperature -184°C (-300°F) Uranus' Maximum Temperature -184°C (-300°F) Neptune's Average Temperature -223°C (-370°F)

What was the temperature in New York City on the 2nd 3rd and 4th of November 2010?

On November 2, 2010, in New York City, the actual high temperature was 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius), the actual low temperature was 36 F (2 C), and the actual mean temperature was 43 F (6 C). The average high temperature was 58 F (14 C), the average low temperature was 45 F (7 C), and the average mean temperature was 51 F (11 C). On November 3, the actual high temperature was 54 F (12 C), the actual low temperature was 41 F (5 C), and the actual mean temperature was 48 F (9 C). The average high temperature was 57 F (14 C), the average low temperature was 45 F (7 C), and the average mean temperature was 51 F (11 C). On November 4, the actual high temperature was 51 F (11 C), the actual low temperature was 47 F (8 C), and the actual mean temperature was 49 F (9 C). The average high temperature was 57 F (14 C), the average low temperature was 44 F (7 C), and the average mean temperature was 51 F (11 C). See the Related Link below for the Weather Underground website, which gives you weather conditions for cities worldwide. Scroll to the middle of the screen to find weather history.

What is the temperature -243 in Fahrenheit?

-152.78 C 120.37 K -122.22 Re

Which planet has the higest average temperature?

Venus has the highest average temperature of any planet in our solar system, with surface temperatures reaching up to 900 degrees Fahrenheit (475 degrees Celsius) due to its thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide.

The temperature of a liquid is 75 degrees F what is its temperature in C?

To convert Fahrenheit to Celsius, you can use the formula: °C = (°F - 32) x 5/9. Plugging in the temperature of 75 degrees Fahrenheit, the conversion would be: (75 - 32) x 5/9 = 23.9 degrees Celsius.