1 grams = 0.002 lbs 250 grams = 0.55 lbs
0.055 lbs equates to about 25 (24.94758) grams.
There are approximately 113,398 grams in 250 pounds.
250 g = about 0.55116 pounds.
250 grams is 0 lbs 8 oz
250 grams = about 0.551 pounds.
250g = about 1/2 (0.551156) pound.
250 kilograms = 250 000 grams
250 grams is equivalent to 0.55 pounds, while 500 grams is equivalent to 1.1 pounds.
There are 250 grams in a quarter of a kilogram.
250 grams = 8.82 ounces.
That is 908 grams