26 / 35 = 0.742857Converting the decimal to a percentage: 0.742857 * 100 = 74.29%
40-26=14 questions answered correctly. 14/40=.35 Therefore the percentage of the test would be 35%
26 percent of 35 is 9.1 26% = .26 .26 × 35 = 9.1
35 hundredths as a percentage is 35%.
26 + 35 = 61
26 / 35 = 0.742857Converting the decimal to a percentage: 0.742857 * 100 = 74.29%
40-26=14 questions answered correctly. 14/40=.35 Therefore the percentage of the test would be 35%
26 percent of 35 is 9.1 26% = .26 .26 × 35 = 9.1
35 hundredths as a percentage is 35%.
26% of 35% = 0.091
It is 35/26.
35 as a fraction is 35/1 and 3500% as a percentage.
The number 26 is 74.3% of 35.
910 (26 * 35).
26 + 35 = 61
35 out of 70, interms of percentage is 50% percentage..!
35/40 as a percentage = 35/40 * 100 = 87.5%