When simplifying or reducing fractions, it is often helpful to remember prime numbers. Prime numbers are those whole numbers that are divisible only by the number itself and the number one. If we look at 26/100 we see that 100 can be reduced many times, but 26 can be reduced no lower than 13. So, 26/100 = 13/50 (reducing both numbers by 1/2).
13/50 26 over hundred = 26/100 = 13/50
52/100 = 26/50 = 13/25
Since the numerator and denominator of this fraction have a GCF of 1, the proper fraction 13/100 is already expressed in its simplest form. An equivalent fraction would be 26/200.
26 ----- 100
26% = 26/100 = 13/5026% = 26/100 = 13/5026% = 26/100 = 13/5026% = 26/100 = 13/50
13/50 26 over hundred = 26/100 = 13/50
13/100 is equivalent to 26/200 as a fraction
52/100 = 26/50 = 13/25
Since the numerator and denominator of this fraction have a GCF of 1, the proper fraction 13/100 is already expressed in its simplest form. An equivalent fraction would be 26/200.
26% = 26/100 or 13/50
26 ----- 100
It is 2 26/100. You can simplify that if required.
26% = 26/100 = 13/5026% = 26/100 = 13/5026% = 26/100 = 13/5026% = 26/100 = 13/50
0.26 * 26/100 = 13/50 in fraction
104/100 = 26/25
26/100 or 13/50