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5 x 5 x 11 = 275

5 x 11 x 11 = 605

Both have a 5 and an 11 in common. Take them out. The result is 5/11

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Q: 275 and 605 reduce the fraction by method of prime factors?
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first you do the prime factorization 65 and 91.Then with the answers you get idk wat to do with them sry

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First reduce the fraction to its simplest form. If the denominator has any prime factor other than 2 or 5 then it is a repeating decimal. Otherwise it terminates.

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If the numerator and denominator are prime numbers and not equal then they don't have common factors (except 1 which would be a common factor even if the numerator and denominator were prime numbers).

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When you reduce a fraction by prime factorization or by dividing what is that called?

It is called simplification.

Can you reduce 19 over 34?

19 is a prime number, as its only factors are 1 and 19.Since you cannot divide anything out of 19, the fraction cannot be reduced.

What is 0.57575757 as a fraction?

That would be 57575757 / 100000000 Since the prime factors of 57575757 are 3 19 73 101 137 and the prime factors of 100000000 are 2's and 5's, we can not reduce the above fraction. If we were to round 57575757 to 57575758, the prime factors would be 2 563 and 52233 in which case the common factor of 2 would let us divide the numerator (top) and denominator (bottom) by to giving us: 2878789 / 50000000

What is a number with two factors called?

a number with only 2 factors (1 and itself ) is called a prime number