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Geo(γαία= earth) and metri(μετρηση= measurement)

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Q: 2 greek word where geometry is derived?
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The word "photography" is derived from the Greek roots "photos" (light) and "graphos" (writing or drawing).

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geometry has 8 letters, 2 of which are the same (e) So, the answer is 8!/2! = 20,160

I got 2425 can you tell me which one i got wrong 1. The word amphibian is derived from the Greek words meaning D. double life. 2. what is not evidence that amphibians evolved?

The word amphibian is derived from Greek words meaning double life is correct. The answer you chose from the second question wasn't listed so that is the one you got wrong.

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Yes, the word "biology" is derived from the Greek words "bios" meaning life and "logos" meaning study. So, in essence, biology means the study of life.

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A decade is a period of 10 years. The word is derived (via French and Latin) from the Ancient Greek: δεκάς, romanized: dekas, which means a group of ten.

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The Greek word for rose is ,1., rodo, or ,2., triantafyllo

What does the word mean in Greek?

more info needed... what word===========================Answer #2:The English " in " translates to the Greek " σε ".

Where did the word Catholicism derived from?

The word Catholic is derived from the Latin catholicusmeaning universal from the Greek katholikos which also referred to universal. As Catholic Answers points out the Greek word is from the two root words kata = "according to "and holos "the whole". The first use we have in a surviving writing of the word being used to refer to the Church founded by Jesus Christ, is from the end of the first century by St. Ignatius of Antioch in his Letter to the Smyrneans 8:2 [approximately A.D. 110]For a complete discussion see What "Catholic" Means at Catholic Answers.

What is the origin of the word hotel?

1644, French for a Public Official Residence. Or Hostel, a lodging. Or Hote meaning host. The referred to a building seeing frequent visitors rather than a place offering accommodation. From Latin, Hospitale meaning an Inn

What is the purpose of Euclidean geometry?

The purpose of Euclidean Geometry is to understand plane (2-D) and solid (3-D) geometry with the understanding that things are "flat". Around 300BC Euclid organized the current knowledge of geometry in a series called the "13 elements" . Euclid was a famous Greek mathematician. The Greeks considered geometry to be its pride and joy. They were the first to ask important questions beginning with "How and Why". Their main goals were to spread their knowledge of Geometry and answer the question relating to the purpose of Geometry. The answer, the purpose of Geometry is to understand the purpose or existence of life (mankind) itself. Geometry is not just about shapes and things that have been created by mankind. Geometry is in nature and even exists in the things we cannot see. "Geo" means Earth and "metry" comes from the word meaning measurement. So, rightfully so geometry mean the measurement of earth. I will leave you with a famous pun- Without geometry, life is pointless. ---

Does the the word alphabet come from the last 2 greek letters?

from the greek words alpha and beta, the first 2 letters of the greek alphabet.