64 is 53 more than 11.
Prime numbers have exactly two factors. 53 and 59 are prime numbers.
52.83 percent, or 52.8 percent, or 53 percent. 28 is 53 percent of 53. Since the numbers in the question are given as significant to 2 places, I would favor rounding the answer to 53 percent. We are often tempted to show numbers as being significant to more digits than we can justify.
It is 1 or 26+27 = 53
23 and 53
81 is 28 more than 53.
64 is 53 more than 11.
No. There are a lot more than 53 cities in the world.
35 more than 18 is 53. it's the same thing as 35+18 = 53
More than 53!
If: x+10 = 53 Then: x = 43
Prime numbers have exactly two factors. 53 and 59 are prime numbers.
123 is two less than 53 = 125 and two more than 112 = 121
55 is 53 higher than 2
52.83 percent, or 52.8 percent, or 53 percent. 28 is 53 percent of 53. Since the numbers in the question are given as significant to 2 places, I would favor rounding the answer to 53 percent. We are often tempted to show numbers as being significant to more digits than we can justify.