To find what percent 38 is of 50, divide 38 by 50 and multiply by 100. This yields 76%. So, 38 is 76% of 50.
38% of 100 is 38. 38% of 50 is 19.
50-38 = 12
38*50 - 400 = 38*50 - 8*50 = (38 - 8)*50 = 30*50 = 1500 Simple: no calculator required!
38-50 = -12
1% of 50 = 50 x 1/100 38% of 50 = 50 x 38/100 = 19
38/50 is .76 so 76%
A 38 out of 50 is a 76%. This is calculated by dividing 38 by 50 (38/50). You then multiply the result by 100, and the solution is your percentage out of 100.
38/50 = 19/25
50% x 76% = 38%
The answer is 88.
LCM(50, 38) = 950.