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a weather radar

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Q: 3 A works by sending out a beam of energy and recording the amount of energy that is reflected back and amount of time it takes for the beam to reflect back?
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Do planets emit light or reflect light?

Planets do not emit their own light; instead, they reflect light from the Sun. This reflected sunlight allows us to see planets shining in the night sky. The amount of light reflected depends on the planet's surface composition and atmosphere.

How long could light reflect?

Light is reflected by an object for however long a light source is shining on it. Also, even when the light source is gone, the light that was reflected continues for an infinite amount of time.

Do planets reflect light from the moon and the sun?

Yes, planets reflect light from both the Sun and the Moon. Planets reflect sunlight because they do not have their own light source. The light reflected from the Moon is actually sunlight that has been reflected off the Moon's surface.

How do planets glow?

Planets do not generate their own light. They appear to glow because they reflect sunlight off their surfaces. The amount of light reflected depends on the planet’s composition, size, and distance from the sun. This reflected light is what we see from Earth as the planet's glow.

How does the amount of the reflected light affected by the kind of the objects surface?

The amount of light reflected by an object's surface is affected by its texture, color, and reflective properties. Smooth and brightly colored surfaces tend to reflect more light, while rough or dark surfaces may absorb or scatter more light. The angle of incident light can also impact the amount of light reflected.

Does the suns energy reflect back into space?

Yes. Indeed one proposed solution for the global warming suffered by our planet is to increase the amount of energy reflected back into space by increasing our own oceans ability to reflect it.

The amount of light reflected by an object depends on the of that object?

The amount of light reflected by an object depends on the surface properties of that object, such as its texture, color, and reflectivity. Objects that are smooth and shiny tend to reflect more light, while objects that are rough and matte tend to absorb more light.

Can light reflect and absorb and transmit all at the same time?

Yes, light can be reflected, absorbed, and transmitted simultaneously. When light encounters a medium, some of it is reflected back, some is absorbed by the medium, and some is transmitted through it. The amount of light that is reflected, absorbed, and transmitted depends on the properties of the material it interacts with.

What type of surface will reflect the greatest amount of insolation?

A light-colored, smooth, and flat surface, such as snow, ice, or sand, will reflect the greatest amount of insolation due to higher albedo values. This means more of the incoming solar radiation will be reflected back into the atmosphere rather than absorbed by the surface.

Does a red light shone on a red surface reflect or absorb?

A red light shined on a red surface will be mostly reflected, as red surfaces tend to reflect red light and absorb other colors. The surface may also absorb a small amount of the light, depending on its material properties.

How can sound and light both be reflected?

Most objects we know of will reflect both. If you can see an object, its reflecting light. Chances are this same object will bounce sound waves too, no matter how insignificant.A thick, wide mirror will reflect light and probably a good amount of sound.

Which3 factors determine the amount of light an object will reflect?

The material of the object, its smoothness, and the angle of incidence of the light hitting the object are important factors that determine the amount of light that will be reflected. Smooth surfaces reflect more light compared to rough surfaces, and shiny materials reflect more light than dull ones.