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Q: 3 glasses of wine within a 3 hour time for it to be completely gone?
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Does semen stay in throat for 3 months if swallowed?

3 months is WAAAY too long. Theyre usually gone within the hour.

How long would a glass of wine stay on your breath?

The alcohol contained in exhaled breath would be gone within an hour and one-half.

How much water can you drink in a hour?

4 glasses

To drink 2.2 liters water in a day how many glasses an hour would that be?

The answer depends on how big the glasses are!

Where did you could find the store to get reading glasses?

hour eyes has reading glasses in LandMark across Macys

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In my experience, Zofran does help with nausea from cabergoline. About 20 min. after taking Zofran I notice I start feeling better and after about an hour it's almost completely gone.

When the nurse was supposed to be gone for half an hour how long was she really gone?

Three hours

What was the hour they had to be completely silent?

12 noon

How do people tell time in the past?

By sundials, hour glasses, water clocks and astrolables.

Does jade goody have 1 hour?

shes gone! today

How long does lockerz redemption last?

It normally lasts around an hour. After that hour most of the items are gone.