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Q: 3 hundreths 4 ones 6 tenths and 1 ten?
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What is 1 plus three tenths plus nine hundreths?

1 + ³/₁₀ + ⁹/₁₀₀ =1 + ³⁰/₁₀₀ + ⁹/₁₀₀ =1 + ³⁹/₁₀₀ or 1.39

What number is in the tenth's place of 4139.650122?

It is the 6. 4 in thousands 1 in hundreds 3 in tens 9 in units (or ones) 6 in tenths 5 in hundreths, etc

How does 3 tenths and 1 hundredth to 2 tenths and blank hundreths?

3/10 + 1/100 = 2/10 + 10/100

How is 2 ones and 20 tenths the same?

Think of it as currency, for example 2 ones = 2 of $1 = $2 total tenths of dollar = 10 Cents then 20 x 10 Cents = 200 Cents = $2 so they are the same. As is 200 hundredths, and so on

How many tenths are there in 2 whole ones?

20 1 = 1/1 = 10/10, or 10 tenths. 2 x 1 = 2 x 10/10 = 20/10 = 20 tenths

How many tenths and ones equals 800 hundredths?

80 tenths 1 ones

How many tenths and ones are in 18 tenths?

One 1, 8 tenths

How many one tenths are in 3?

There is Ten singular Tenths (0.1) in a whole 'One' (1.0). Thirty Tenths make up Three (3.0)

What is ten eights times eight tenths?

Ten eights times eight tenths is 1.

How mant tenths are in 1 one?

ten tenths equals one.

What digit is in the tenths column of 95.1?

the columns go in this order .......|thousands|hundreds|tens|ones|.|tenths|hundredths|thousandths|....... your number is 95.1 |9|5|.|1| 9 is in the ten's column!!

Where is the decimal point?

In the base ten system the decimal point is located between 10^0 and 10^-1, that is, between the ones and the tenths.