It is possible to do all three maths in VCE (Specialist, Methods, Further) but only up to two can be counted into your Primary Four, and the other one will be your 5 or 6. E.g.
If for your results you get (after scaling)
Specialist 44
Methods 40
Further 43
English 39
Accounting 38
Economics 36
Your Primary Four would be:
English 39
Specialist 44
Further 43
Accounting 38
And your 5 and 6 would be:
Methods 4.0
Economics 3.6
The toughest math topic is Addition of 3 watermelons with 3 oranges.
You need to average 9/3 = 3 math lessons per hour.
Math sentence;1+2+3 Math phrase: If i had 1 sock and i got 2 more socks i would have 3.
VCE stands for Victorian Certificate of Education.
53.95 is the average ENTER score for VCE students
To open and run VCE files on Windows 7 you need software known as Visual CertExam. This software is used to simulate VCE exams.
A: Vce is the voltage that will follow a particular load line. It is linear by itself but not related to the base drive.
IB has a different curriculum to VCE, IB is more known world wide and can get you an easier enter score. Although IB is a bit harder than VCE but in the end, it's all worth it
is zero
A: Vce is the voltage across the transistor . Ie is the emitter current. Ico is the collector current with the base open. Or really the leakage.
These scores are not published comparatively. You can obtain the desired scores on the VCE from the particular institution you are interested in directly.
More specifically, I was wondering if people who have been to VCE lectures in the past could comment on how useful or beneficial they really are. Is the content they teach any different to what they teach from the study design at school? It would be really appreciated if someone could help me out!! ;)
Bristol (BRS) to Venice Marco Polo (VCE) takes just over 3 hours (about 3h10m / 3h15m)