Noun 1: origin, source, spring, agent, maker, producer, root, beginning Noun 2: reason, call, need, grounds, basis, incentive, motive, motivation Noun 3: aim, movement, principle, ideal, enterprise Verb: produce, create, lead to, result in, generate, induce, bring about
Agent 47 does not have a realm name, he is a genetically engineered person made from 5 of the worlds best criminals. He gets the name, Agent 47 from the last 2 digits from the bar-code on the back of his head.
The exogenous ones, which are set by an outside agent, and the endogenous ones, which occur inside a problem. So if you look at this formula for a wave in one dimension: y = exp(-jkx), where k = 2pi / lambda lambda and x are exogenous while k is endogenous (j and pi are constants).
While the USDA Farm Services Agency may have a specific number "on the books" for each program crop such as corn, soybeans, wheat, or cotton, only the farmer and the agent can really put a true number to it. The best way to find crop residue quantity is to go out to at least four separate representative areas of the field, mark off very specific areas, say, 20 feet by 20 feet, count and weigh the residue in those areas, and then multiply it out to give a field-wide average. It's generally best to seek assistance from your county agent.
Agency : principle is liable for the act of agent and agent get fees or commission from the principle. Franchise : Principle is not liable for the act of agent and PRINCIPAL get fees of commission form the agent.
an agent secures a contract on behalf of the principle and the principle agrees to it
The term agency in law, means representation. An agent represents you (the principle) and is authorized to enter into legal relationships on your behalf or the business. Agency representation means that someone else is representing the principle.
The problem of agency theory are pricniple and agent.
In politics, the principle is the citizen, who poses the right to make certain decisions. The agent is members of Congress. The problem is when the principle and agent have different goals, causing conflict to arise. One might feel their Congressman is "out of touch" or not getting things done.
first a fall agent should act according to principle. he have to follow principle and try to avoid his own mater.
In politics, the principle is the citizen, who poses the right to make certain decisions. The agent is members of Congress. The problem is when the principle and agent have different goals, causing conflict to arise. One might feel their Congressman is "out of touch" or not getting things done.
Franchisee is the middle man between principle and retail customer C and F agent is the middleman between principle and wholesailer
agency problem affects the financial manager relationship with the company by means of trust. if we are going to study the principal-agent relationship (principals=shareholders ; agent=managers,CEO,BOD), the agent will stand for and on behalf of the principal with the accompany of trust and confidence by the principals, but when agency problem occur where the agents are planning to pursue some objectives that are attractive to them while not beneficial for the principal the gap between the shareholders and the management team were created...
Agency theory addresses the potential conflict of interest that arises when one party (the principal) delegates decision-making authority to another party (the agent). The problem arises when the agent may prioritize their own interests over those of the principal, leading to agency costs. These costs can include moral hazard, adverse selection, and strategic behavior.
from an agency
who was last political agent in gilgit agency