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Q: 3n or 4n plants are bigger and stronger but humans with this condition don't survive?
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Can humans survive at 5000 feet above the ground?

Survive, yes. Mexico city is at an altitude of over 7,000 feet above the sea level, so the altitude, in itself, is not a problem. So let's look at altitude above ground: Passenger aircraft fly at 30,000 feet. And millions of passengers fly regularly. Again, no issue. The International Space Station orbits at more than 100 MILES above the ground. Even more proof that survival at altitude is not a problem. What IS a problem is keeping humans supplied with food and water and warmth at that altitude. If you can handle that you will survive.

What does it mean when 1 ovary is bigger than the other?

It may or may not mean anything. There is always a slight degree of assymetry in humans. However, if one ovary grows a lot bigger than usual, it may be better to be on the safe side, and check with a doctor. The doctor may advise certain examinations, just in case you have something abnormal, like a tumor, or a cyst, for example.

What is the probability that an offspring will be male?

For humans, approximately 0.52For humans, approximately 0.52For humans, approximately 0.52For humans, approximately 0.52

Why people are so greedy?

All humans have the personality trait that could display as greed; it would be related to our innate drive to survive. Most people overcome the natural tendency by thinking of the other person/people because most of us learn early the value of others in our lives and sharing. You will notice that humans up to a certain age are naturally greedy and sometime around their second or third year are usually taught the value of sharing.

Are earthworms harmful to humans?

earthworms are not harmful to humans theyare just pink and slimmyNo. Worms that are harmful to humans are roundworms, flatworms and hookworms.

Related questions

Why are animals stronger then humans?

Well, not all animals are stronger than humans, but the animals which are stronger than humans like elephants for example, is because they have adaptations to be strong which they need to get food or fight other animals to protect their young, food or territory to survive in their environment. Whereas humans rely on other ways to survive like our intelligence, although we are strong to a certain extent.

Is an orangutan a big monkey?

An orangutan is not a monkey. It is an ape.

What condition make life difficult or impossible for humans to survive?

No water or may be no air and it may be really cold or hot

What did animals do to survive?

They basically do what humans do to survive. Like humans need to eat to survive and we also need to sleep to survive.

What are age restrictions?

Because humans are getting bigger better and stronger and you would be to old and wrinkly

Are birds stronger then humans?

no they are not

Do humans eat to survive?

no we drink to survive. from keyna

Why human cells more complex than frog?

because we are bigger and need more adaptations to survive so that's why humans are more complex maddux Russell:)

Who is more likely to survive amoeba or humans?


Are termites stronger than humans?


Why can cows survive on gas but humans cant?

Cows can't survive on gas alone. Neither can humans. Both cows and humans need food and water to survive, not just oxygen (which is a gas we breathe).

Do mice have a stronger immune system than humans?

I believe that mice do have stronger immune systems than humans because of the environment they dwell in.