4.004 = 4004/1000 = 1001/250
It is: 3994+10 = 4004
To find the prime factors, start dividing by the smallest prime, which is 2 4004 = 2*2002 4004 = 2*2*1001 1001 is odd so no more 2's. Not divisible by 3 or 5 either. Next try 7 1001 = 7*143 bingo! So 4004 = 2*2*7*143 143 not divisible by 7, so try 11: 143 = 11*13 bingo again Finally 4004 = 2*2*7*11*13 To get ALL the factors you have to find ALL the combinations of the primes. For instance 2*7*11 = 154 is one such combination that yields one of the factors of 4004. There are too many to list.
4004/1000 = 1001/250 or 4 1/250
4.004 = 4004/1000 = 1001/250
4.004 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. And, being a decimal, there is no simpler form. Its rational equivalent is 4004/1000 which can be simplified to 1001/250.
8008-4004=4004 (Eight thousand and eight minus four thousand and four equals 4004)
I believe it was the 4004 by Intel, later the 8008 and then the 8080
Four thousand four.