1 Saudi riyal = 12.1 Indian rupee
1000 Saudi riyal= 12090.6 Indian rupee
4000 Saudi riyal= 48362.5 Indian rupee
As at 16Oct09 1 SAR was worth 12.33 INR.
The XE currency conversion tool currently shows 2,000 Indian Rupees to be the equivalent of 41.0219 US Dollars.
A crore is a unit of currency equal to ten million rupees. Therefore, 3000 million rupees is equal to 300 crore rupees.
Approximately 0.552 Indian Rupees are equal to $o.o1
No. One billion is a number, whereas a rupee is a currency unit. A number cannot equal currency units.
One million rupees are equal to 10 crores Indian rupees currency.
$1 is equal to 50.6 rupees
6.99 Euros equal 564.82 Indian Rupees. 1 Euro is equal to 80.80 Indian Rupees. The Rupee is the currency of India.
One Saudi Arabian Riyal is equal to 13.2528 Rupees. (As of today 26th April 2009)
One billion dollars [1,000,000,000] in US currency would equal 46,180.000,305.18 Indian Rupees[INR].
One Euro would equal 58.91 Indian Rupees as of May 3, 2010.
As of 6th June 2009 $1 is equal to 47.39 Indian Rupees
You can get the Indian Rupee (INR) - Saudi Arabia Riyal (SAR) currency rates information by going to the http://currate.com site. Also, You can see the Indian Rupee (INR) - Saudi Arabia Riyal (SAR) currency images on every currencies listed there.
0.57 (THB) thb is Baht currency
125 U.S. dollars = 5931.2 Indian rupees at the time of writing.
$100 million US dollars is equal to 6,093,000,000 Indian Rupees. Currency conversion changes daily, so it's best to check the current conversion rates. As of September 2014, $1 USD is equal to 61 Indian Rupees.
As at 16Oct09 1 SAR was worth 12.33 INR.