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Usually bulk buying is cheaper

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Q: 40 percent isopropyl cheaper than 70 percent isopropyl?
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Why is 70 percent isopropyl alcohol more expansive than 40 percent isopropyl alcohol?

It is difficult and expensive to refine anything to 100% purity. Best to use 70% as it is just as effective and cost a whole lot less.

Why 40 percent alcohol cheaper than 70 percent alcohol?

Because the concentration of alcohol is lower; you pay the alcohol not the water.

Who designed a steam engine that was 40 percent more efficient and significantly cheaper than standard steam engines?

Benjamin Franklin Isherwood

Is 40 out of 80 bigger or 40 percent bigger?

40 out of 80=40/80=.5 .5 is 50 percent, and larger than 40 percent.

What is the highest 40 or 40 percent?

40 is higher than 40%.

Soil material contaning more than 40 percent clay less than 45 percent sand and less than 40 percent silt is called?

The soil material described would be classified as a clay soil. Clay soils have high clay content, low sand content, and low silt content.

What soil material containing more than 40 percent clay less than 45 percent sand and less than 40 percent silt is called?

The soil material you are referring to is known as clay soil. Clay soil has a high clay content, typically more than 40%, with relatively low sand and silt percentages. Clay soil is known for its small particle size and tendency to hold water, making it often difficult to work with for gardening and farming.

What is 40 percent more than 20 percent?


Why is 20 percent of 40 greater than 40 percent of 20?

20% of 40 is not greater than 40% of 20. The two are equal. 20% of 40 = 0.20 * 40 = 8 40% of 20 = 0.40 * 20 = 8

What percent of Americans age 40 and over had colorectal cancer screenings?

less than 40 percent

What percent of Americans age 40 and over had colerectal cancer screenings?

less than 40 percent

What is 15 percent more than 40?

40 + 15% = 40*1.15 = 46