four hundred and twenty five one-thousandth of a meter or .425 meters
425 grams = 0.937 pounds, approx.
Rounded to the nearest ten thousand, 425 is approximately equal to 0.
There are 0.9144 metres in one yard. Therefore, rounded to two decimal places, 425 metres is equal to 425/0.9144 = 464.79 yards.
It would be 17/40.
425 degrees Fahrenheit = 218.3 degrees Celsius [°C] = ([°F] − 32) × 5⁄9
4.25 inch = 107.95 mm.
Conversion formuls: 425 millimeters = 425 / 25.4 = 16.732 inches
There are 100 centimetres in one metre. Therefore, 425 centimetres is equal to 425/100 = 4.25 metres.
425 millimeters is 42.5 centimeters.
1000 - 425 = 575
1 times 425 and 5 times 85 equal 425.
425 grams = 0.937 pounds, approx.
425 grams is equal to 15 ounces, pretty close to a pound and exactly equal to a standard can of diced tomatoes.
425 degrees Fahrenheit is equal to approximately 218 degrees Celsius.
425 degrees Fahrenheit is equal to approximately 218.3 degrees Celsius.