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Q: 4 face shape all of the faces are triangles what am i?
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Are all faces of a square pyramid triangles?

4 faces are triangles and 1 face is a square the square face is the base of the pyramid

What shape has all faces that are triangles?

triangular prism

What shape has 8 faces and they're all triangles?

An octahedron

What is a 3D shape with all triangles?

A 3D shape with all triangular faces can be a tetrahedron pyramid.

What shape has 4 faces that are all triangles?

A triangle based pyramid.

What shape has all faes triangles and four faces?

A triangular pyramid has.

Does a triangular pyramid have triangles on all faces?

No. I has 3 triangle faces and one square face.

What is a icosahedron and how many faces does it have?

Icosahedron are a shape with 20 faces, 30 edges and 12 vertices. All the faces are triangles.

Are all the sides of a octahedron equilateral triangles?

An octahedron is a closed 3-d shape with 8 polygonal faces. There are 257 topologically different convex octahedra. The faces of octahedra can be triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons or heptagons. There are many examples of octahedra - a hexagonal prism, for example - which has no triangular face. At the other extreme, all the faces of a regular octahedron are equilateral triangles.

How many faces dose an icosahedron?

Icosahedron are a shape with 20 faces, 30 edges and 12 vertices. All the faces are triangles.

What 3-d shape is all triangles and all the same faces?

A tetrahedron, an octahedron or an icosahedron,

How is a hexagonal pyramid a polyhedron?

A polyhedron is a simply connected 3-dimensional shape whose faces are all regular polygons. A hexagonal pyramid is a special case in which one face is a hexagon and six faces are triangles.