205 dollars, rounded to the nearest dollar, is 205 dollars!
150 dollars, rounded to the nearest dollar, is 150 dollars!
567 dollars, rounded to the nearest dollar is ... wait for it ... 567 dollars!
2.69 rounded to the nearest dollar is $3 (three dollars).
1165 dollars is already rounded to the nearest dollar.
It is: 8700.00 dollars
205 dollars, rounded to the nearest dollar, is 205 dollars!
150 dollars, rounded to the nearest dollar, is 150 dollars!
567 dollars, rounded to the nearest dollar is ... wait for it ... 567 dollars!
2.69 rounded to the nearest dollar is $3 (three dollars).
1165 dollars is already rounded to the nearest dollar.
$40 is the nearest dollar to $40.
$8.98 rounded to the nearest dollar is $9. Rounded to the nearest tenth would be also be $9.
The answer depends on the units used for 3.75
There is no unit of currency, but assuming either dollar or cents: $18.19 → $0 to the nearest 100 (hundred) dollar 18.19¢ → $0 to the nearest 100 (hundred) dollar.
9.25,cents, rounded to the nearest dollar is 0 dollars.