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Q: 567 vacuums sold the previous high was last yearwhen 540 vacuums were sold what is the percent of increase in sales from last year to this year?
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Kent this year he set a record high for vacuum sales with 567 vacuums sold the previous high was last year when 540 vacuums sold What is the percent of increase in sales from last year to this year?

It is a 5% increase.

This year he set a record high for vacuum sales with 567 vacuums sold the previous high was last year when 540 vacuums were sold what is the percent of increase in sales from last year to this year?

It is 5%.

A record high for vacuum sales with 567 vacuums the previous high was last year when 540 vacuums were sold. what is the percent of increase in sales from last year to this year.?

To get percent increase divide this year by last and subtract 1. Then multiply by 100. 567/540 = 1.05 1.05 -1 = .05 .05 x 100 = 5%

Kent sold 567 vacuums this year last year sold 540 vacuums what is the percent of increase in sales from last year and this year?


567 bacuums solld and 540 vacuums were sold what is the percent of increase in sales from last year to this year?


Kent worked in the housewares section of a department store this year he set a record high for vacuum sales with 567 vacuums sold the previous high was last year when 540 vacuums were sold the percent?

This is not a question.

Ken worked in the housewares section of a department store This year he set a record high for vacuum sales with 567 vacuums sold The previous high was last year when 540 vacuums were sold?

It was a 5% increase.

Kent worked in the housewares section of a department store This year he set a record high for vacuum sales with 567 vacuums sold The previous high was last year when 540 vacuums were sold What?

It was a 5% increase.

Kent worked in the housewares section of a department store this year he set a record high for vacuum sales wit 567 vacuums sold the previous high was last year when 540 vacuums were sold what is the?

...percentage increase? 27 x 100 / 540 = 5%

How effective are vacuums for household use?

Vacuums remove 80 percent of soil from carpet, making them essential for carpet care. Vacuums are more effective if they have a rotating brush, beater bar, and powerful suction capabilities

Kent worked in the housewares section of a department store this year he set a record high for vacuum sales with 567 vacuums sold the pervious high was last year when 540 vacuums were sold what is the?

It was a 5% increase.

What different types of vacuums are there out there?

There are stick vacuums, small vacuums, central vacuums, canister vacuums, and upright vacuums. The type of vacuum one would want to purchase depends on what the vacuum is going to be used for.