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Q: 5 example of palindromic DNA sequences?
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Examples of palindromic DNA sequences?

Some examples of palindromic DNA sequences are "GGTACC" (complementary sequence: "CCTAGG"), "ACGT" (complementary sequence: "TGCA"), and "AGCT" (complementary sequence: "TCGA"). These sequences read the same on both strands when read in the 5' to 3' direction.

How is 5 a palindromic number?

A number is said to be palindromic when it remains the same when it is reversed. 5 reversed is 5 itself.

What is Example of restriction enzyme?

A restriction enzyme (also known as restriction endonuclease) is protein which cuts DNA up at specific sequences (called restriction sites) in a genome. For example, the commonly used restriction endonuclease EcoRI recognizes every DNA sequence GAATTC and cuts at the point between the guanine and the adenine in that sequence, forming blunt ends (or straight, even ends). Interestingly and coincidentially, the restriction site for most restriction enzymes are genetic palindromes (the sequence reads exactly the same backwards on the complementary strand). In the case of EcoRI, the two complementary DNA strands for the restriction site are:5'-- GAATTC --3'3'-- CTTAAG --5'After this DNA sequence is cut, it might look something like this:5'-- G AATTC --3'3'-- C TTAAG --5'

How many palindromic years have there been since 1652?


What are two examples of a 5-digit palindromic number?

36663 and 26762.

What are restriction enzymes?

Restriction enzymes are proteins that cut DNA at specific recognition sites, creating fragments with sticky ends that can be combined with other DNA fragments. They are commonly used in molecular biology for tasks such as gene cloning and genetic engineering.

Name a 5 letter palindromic word made up entirely of roman numerals?


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What are two 5-digit palindromic numbers?

12321, 54345, 10101, 42124, 81718 etc....

What is the the smallest palindromic number larger than 11000 that is also a multiple of 5?

Palindromic (read the same forewards and back) Multiple of 5, ends in either 5 or zero must end in five (number cannot start w/ zero) therefore must begin with five 50005

What is a palendrom in math?

I suppose you meant palindrome. Palindromic number in maths means number which stays same if we reverse it. e.g. 11, 151, 6886 are palindromic, but 1211, 100 or 15 aren't. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 are considered palindromic too.

What sequences start with 1 5?

1, 5, 9, 13....