

Best Answer

Area of a circle: pi*radius2

Circumference of a circle: 2*pi*radius or diamerer*pi

Surface area of a sphere: 4*pi*radius2

Volume of a sphere: 4/3*pi*radius3

Volume of a cylinder: pi*radius2*height

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Q: 5 mathematical formulas tha contain pi?
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Is pi in formulas?

Yes. Some examples of formulas that contain pi (∏) are: (area of a circle) = ∏r2 (Circumfrance of a circle) = ∏d

3 mathematical formulas including pi?

Area of a circle: pi*radius^2 Circumference of a circle: 2*pi*radius or diameter*pi Surface area of a sphere: 4*pi*radius^2

What fraction is equal to the mathematical term pi?

The mathematical term of pi is approximated equal to 22/7. :)

What are the famous mathematical problems featuring pi?

The famous mathematical problems featuring pi include finding the area and the circumference of a circle. The value for pi is 3.14.

Who in 1706 first gave pi its current mathematical definition?

Pi as a mathematical symbol was introduced by William Jones in 1706

What does the mathematical symbol of Pi equal?

Pi is approximately equal to 3.141592652389793238462.

What is the mathematical sign for pi?

= 3.14

Why is pi a mathematical concept?

It is a decimal

What mathematical principle is equal to 3.14?

That's not a "mathematical principle", it is an approximation of the number pi.That's not a "mathematical principle", it is an approximation of the number pi.That's not a "mathematical principle", it is an approximation of the number pi.That's not a "mathematical principle", it is an approximation of the number pi.

What are five formulas that contain pi?

Circumference of a circle = 2*pi*radius or pi*diameter Area of a circle = pi*radius2 Volume of a sphere = 4/3*pi*radius3 Surface area of a sphere = 4*pi*radius2 Total surface area of a cylinder = (2*pi*radius2)+(2*pi*radius*height)

What are the famous numbers of the mathematical Pi?

Pi is a single number so there cannot be famous numbersof pi.

What is Pi in mathmatics?

it is a mathematical number 3.1415926535897932362643433