The least common denominator of the fractions 3/5 and 5/12 is 60.
Like and unlike fractions only make sense when you have two [or more] fractions. One fraction, such as 5/12, is always like itself.
Two fractions that are equivalent to 12/15 are 4/5 and 24/30.
equivalent fractions for 10 over 4 = 5/2, 20/8, 30/12
To subtract fractions, the denominators (bottom numbers) must be equal; so first convert the fractions into equivalent fractions with the same denominator. Then the numerators (top numbers) are subtracted and the resulting fraction simplified: 5/12 - 1/6 = 5/12 - 1x2/6x2 = 5/12 - 2/12 = 5-2/12 = 3/12 = 1x3/4x3 = 1/4
The least common denominator of the fractions 3/5 and 5/12 is 60.
Improper fractions cannot become proper fractions.
Like and unlike fractions only make sense when you have two [or more] fractions. One fraction, such as 5/12, is always like itself.
3/5 is the same as 12/20 because they are equivalent fractions.
Two fractions that are equivalent to 12/15 are 4/5 and 24/30.
The are many fractions equivalnt to 4 over 5. It starts at 8/10, 12/15 and so on
5 over 12 is smallest. Between two fractions with the same numerator, the one with the larger denominator is smaller.
equivalent fractions for 10 over 4 = 5/2, 20/8, 30/12
3 equal fractions would be 24 over 10, 48 over 20 and 96 over 40.
8 over 10 (8/10) and 12 over 15 (12/15) are equivalent to 4 over 5 (4/5).
To subtract fractions, the denominators (bottom numbers) must be equal; so first convert the fractions into equivalent fractions with the same denominator. Then the numerators (top numbers) are subtracted and the resulting fraction simplified: 5/12 - 1/6 = 5/12 - 1x2/6x2 = 5/12 - 2/12 = 5-2/12 = 3/12 = 1x3/4x3 = 1/4
10 over 12 or 15 over 18.