recyclable items:
all glass jars or bottles, cardboard. all plastic bottles and jars, aluminum cans, aluminum containers/ foil, paper, metal cans, phonebooks,frozen food boxes, plastic buckets, pots, toys, clean plastic food packaging, mail, magazines and catalogs
(all of these must be cleaned thoroughly)
ways to recycle:
reuse items simply by washing bottles bought at stores, save leftovers in plastic containers(some sandwich meat is even sold in plastic containers),create a compost pile(eventually you will have rich soil for a garden), if you use disposable cups at a party or other sicial gathering have a writing utensil available for the guests so that they may wright their names on the cups, buy recycled materials, glass can be recycled to create clothing materials,plastic bags can be recycled at most stores, or you can use cloth bags and reuse them, before recycling cleaning bottles(yes, you can do that) mix the clenser with water or but the item in bulk to a- save money and b-it will last a bit longer)
give 5 examples of infix
An analogy is a comparison of two things based on their structure. It is used for clarification and explanation purposes.
Examples of compound nouns:baseballbathtubbirdcageblueprintboyfriend
give 5 examples that involves measuring
what are what things recycled too
5 things leather, trees, paper, wood, water
---- == ==
Yes, they can
Recycled paper is 5 to 10 dollars.
sell it on
In principle anything can be recycled, the problem is some things are economically impractical to recycle.