25% of 252 is 63.
Expressed as a percentage, 252/400 x 100 = 63 percent.
Expressed as a percentage, 252/400 x 100 = 63 percent.
25.2% = 252/1000 = 63/250
IF you think of 25% as 1/4, it's easier. 63 is 1/4 of 252
To determine how many times 63 goes into 252, we divide 252 by 63. The result is 4, as 63 multiplied by 4 equals 252. Therefore, 63 goes into 252 exactly 4 times.
The GCF is 63.
The LCM is 252.
25.2% to fraction:25.2%= 0.252= 252/1000= 63/250