An acre is a unit of area, equal to 43560 square feet. So 0.86 * 43560 sq ft = 37461.6 sq ft. So any dimensions, which multiply to equal 37461.6 sq ft, will equal 0.86 acre.
Five feet five inches equal 65 inches. There are 2.54 centimeters to one inch. 65 in = 65 x 2.54 cm = 165.1 cm
The dimensions are: length = 13 feet, width = 6 ft, height = 8 ft.
65 acres = 2831400 sq ft
5 ft 5 in. or 5.42 ft.
length= 65 ft (20m)
An acre is a unit of area, equal to 43560 square feet. So 0.86 * 43560 sq ft = 37461.6 sq ft. So any dimensions, which multiply to equal 37461.6 sq ft, will equal 0.86 acre.
Usually it would be about 48" high by 65" long
A rectangle has dimensions 7 ft x 12 ft. Which of the dimensions describe a rectangle that is similar to this rectangle?
There are 0.3048 metres in one foot. Therefore, rounded to two decimal places, 65 metres is equal to 65/0.3048 = 213.25 feet. Algebraic Steps / Dimensional Analysis Formula 65 m* 100 cm 1 m * 1 in 2.54 cm * 1 ft 12 in = 213.2545932 ft Direct Conversion Formula 65 m* 1 ft 0.3048 m = 213.2545932 ft
Five feet five inches equal 65 inches. There are 2.54 centimeters to one inch. 65 in = 65 x 2.54 cm = 165.1 cm
That depends on the given dimensions which are not in the question.
A rectangular prism with dimensions of 2 ft by 3 ft by 5 ft has a volume of 30 cubic feet.
The dimensions are: length = 13 feet, width = 6 ft, height = 8 ft.
Approximate dimensions; wing span 212 ft. length 231 ft cockpit height 32 ft tail height 64 ft
65 acres = 2831400 sq ft
20 ft X 20 ft