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You have answered 28/65 which is 43% and so you still have 57% left to answer

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Q: 65 questions on a test and answered 28 what percentage is left to answer?
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How do you calculate a percentage on a test?

number of questions answered right divided by total number of questions, times 100 Say you get 8 questions right out of 10 questions 8/10 x 100 = 80%

How do you solve Sarah answered 86 percent of her test questions correctly. If the test had 100 questions how many did she miss?

-- Since she answered 86 percent of the questions correctly, she answered the remaining 14 percent of them incorrectly. -- 14% of 100 questions is 14 questions.

Forty out of fifty questions on a test are answered correctly. What fraction of questions were answered correct?


If there was a test with 240 questions on a test and i answered 95 correctly how many questions did i answer correct?

95 of them.

You got 90 on a test that has exactly 40 questions how many questions did you get wrong?

A test score of "90" represents the percentage of correct questions. Multiply this percentage by the total number of questions and you will have the number of questions correctly answered. Subtract this from the total to find answers wrong. 90% of 40 questions = .90 x 40 = 36 questions right. 40-36 = 4 answers wrong.

What is the percent if 26 question were wrong out of 40 question on test?

40-26=14 questions answered correctly. 14/40=.35 Therefore the percentage of the test would be 35%

40 out of 50 questions on a test correctly what fraction of questions were answered correct?


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Trevor received a score of 96 if he answered 24 of the questions correctly how many questions were on the test?

There were 25 questions on the test.

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There were 60 questions on the test. In order to solve this problem, set up the equation 42 = .70 * X, where X is the number of questions on the test. This essentially tells you 70% of what number (X) is 42. Divide 42 by .70 and you will get an answer of 60.

A student who correctly answered 72 questions on a test received a score of 75 percent?

Since the student correctly answered 72 questions out of the total, the total number of questions on the test would be 96 (72 / 0.75). To find this, you can use the formula: (number of correct answers) / (percentage as a decimal).

A student who correctly answered 72 questions on a test received a score of 75 percent How many questions were on the test?

72/.75 = 96