What is the standard form of four hundred billion six
Four hundred billion ninety million in standard form = 4.0009 × 1011
Six billion eight hundred twenty (6,000,000,820*) in standard form = 6.00000082 × 109*this is the standard notation
Three billion five hundred thousand (3,000,500,000) in standard form is: 3.0005 × 109
2 hundred billion (200,000,000,000) in standard form is 2.0 × 1011
What is the standard form of four hundred billion six
Four hundred billion ninety million in standard form = 4.0009 × 1011
Six billion eight hundred twenty (6,000,000,820*) in standard form = 6.00000082 × 109*this is the standard notation
Three billion five hundred thousand (3,000,500,000) in standard form is: 3.0005 × 109
One billion seven hundred million in standard form is 1.7 × 109
The standard form is 640,000,000,000
The standard form is 400,090,000,000
The standard form is 6,000,500,000
The standard form is 200,000,010,003