

6 less than x cubed

Updated: 12/17/2022
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13y ago

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x3 -6

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Q: 6 less than x cubed
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How do you write out 6 less than x cubed?

6<x^3 which means that x >1.817121. Since it is cubed, there is no '-1.817121' solution.

What is 6 less than x cubed?

if you are doing algebra you have to have a number on the other side of the equal sign so x2-6 has to have a equal sign to figure out 6 is less than x cubed if x is greater than the cube root of 6. The answer is "true" or "false" depending on x

What is six less then x cubed?

It is an expression: x3-6

What is 6 less than x - 6 less than or equal to 8?

6 less than x-6 is x-12, and that equals 8 if x is 20 and is less than 8 if x is less than 20.

X cubed multiplied by x cubed?

x to the power of 6.

What is 6 less than x?

If this is an inequality (6 is less than x, or 6 < x), then x is an integer or other value greater than 6.---The variable statement "6 less than x" is (x - 6)This is a value (variable and constant) where the value of x is determined by an equationsuch as x-6 = 4 (x is positive 2) or y = x-6 (y is 6 less than x).

When is x less than x cubed is less than x squared?

When x is a number between -1 and 0. For example, if x=-0.5: x &lt; x3 &lt; x2 because -0.5 &lt; -0.125 &lt; 0.25

What is the gcf of 5x cubed and 15x?

If 'x' is greater than ' 1 ', then it's 5x .If 'x' is less than ' 1 ', then it's 5 .

How do you write 6 cubed in standard form?

6 cubed (63) in standard form is 6 x 6 x 6, which equates to 216.

How do you know when to use the less than symbol and when to use the less than or equal to symbol when writing an inequality for a situation?

It depends upon whether the inequality is strictly less than (&lt;), or if it is less than or could be equal (&le;). For example: if x &lt; 6, x can have any value less than 6, but cannot have the value 6; but if x &le; 6, x can have any value less than 6, but can also have the value 6. Or put another way, x = 6 is NOT a solution of x &lt; 6, but IS a solution to x &le; 6.

What is x if x cubed plus x squared equals 230?

Must be less than 7, 7 cubed = 343. 6? 216 + 36 = 252 5? 125 + 25 = 150 No solution in integers, 5.811 seems to be the nearest (229.992) without going into ten-thousandths.

What is the value of six cubed?

Six cubed means six to the third power or 6 x 6 x 6. That would be 216.