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2 x 2 x 2 x 3

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Q: 72 and 120 what is the longest string common to both factorization?
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The answer is 6.You need to do a prime factorization of the 2 numbers first. Then compare the 2 numbers and see what the greatest number they have in common is in the factorization of them. Next times what they have in common and there is your answer. The factorization of 132=11x3x2x2 The factorization of 150=5x5x3x2 There is a 2 and a 3 in each, so you multiply them both and you get 6.

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Expressing each number as the product of prime numbers can help in taking out common factors.Prime factorization of 56 = 2x2x2x7Prime factorization of 160 = 2x2x2x2x2x52x2x2 is common in P.F. of both numbers. So, highest common factor is 2x2x2 = 8.

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The GCF of 80 and 102 is 2. The factor tree explains this. The factorization of 80 is 2x2x2x2x5. The factorization of 102 is 2x3x17. You then compare the 2 factorizations and then multiply the numbers they both have in common, but only by the number of times they appear. So the answer is 2, because it shows up in both factorizations and it shows up only once in the factorization of 102.

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