750 gms
No. 45 mg equals 0.045 gms, since each milligram equals 10-3 gms.
1000 mg equals 1 gm
12 . 06 gms
1528 grams is equal to approximately 3.37 pounds.
1.000 gm = 1,000 mg 0.900 gm = 900 mg
one ltr of ghee equals to 910 gms. at room temperature.
1 gram = 1000 milligrams. You now have all the information required to answer this and similar questions.
0.2 kg 1 kilogram = 1000 grams 1 gram = 0.001 kilogram
100 gms = 354 calories 1 cup (equals to the volume of 1/4 liter) = 80 grams = 283.20 calories
i think equal. Experiment!
150 mcg (I suppose that is micro grams) is 150/1000000 gms = 0.00015