Here is the way to remember some of the decimal representations of 9ths.
1/9 is .11111... repeating. so 2/9 is .22222 where 2 repeats forever
and 3/9 is 1/3 which is .3333 where once again 3 repeats an infinite number of times.. We would usually put a bar over the 3 and write it only once, but the format here does not allow for that.
So the answer to your question is 7/9 if .777... where the 7 repeats forever.
7/9 = 0.778
7/9 is 0.777 continuing
7/9 written as a recurring decimal is 0.7777 repeating
It is: 9 and 7/10 = 9.7
7/9 writte as a decimal is .777 repeating. You can round this decimal to the nearest hundredth as 0.78
7/9 = 7 ÷ 9 = 0.77778
1 and 7/9 is equal to 1.7778.
7⁄9 = 0.777777777778