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Each person will give out 6 presents therefore there are 42 presents in total

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Q: 7 people attend a party they each give each other a present how many presents are there in total?
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How can you tell what you presents are?

You wait till it is time to open the presents. If you still can't figure out the present, you can Google it to see how other people use it. There are plenty of video sites (for example, youtube) that will show you how to use your present.

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People usually attend protests because they are passionate about a cause and wish to express their opinion about it. Other people may attend a protest simply to watch or report about it.

Do people from Switzerland exchange Christmas presents?

they give each other drugs

Can people receive presents on Christmas Day without believing in Santa Claus?

Of course you can still get presents - other people give them to you! But if you don't believe, you won't get anything from Santa.

What do England kids expecte to find their Christmas presents in?

Well a few small presents in a stocking.. And then others just in a pile, or in a sack if you want to keep them separate from the presents for other people :)

Do people give each other presents for Christmas in Brazil?

Yes, although poorer people don't.

Why do you give Christmas presents to each other?

We do this to represent the three kings giving presents of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh to Jesus when he was born. We also do this to show other people that they are special to us.

What part of the computer formats and presents data for people or other devices?

Any data sent to a output device formats the data and presents it to the user. There are many ways to present the data that a user can understand. Such as speakers are for sound and computer screens are for visual.

Roman Catholic Church that symbolically reenacts the Sacrifice of Christ is?

Roman Catholic AnswerYou are referring to the Most Holy Eucharist, otherwise called the Mass; but you have it wrong, it does NOT symbolically re-enact the Sacrifice of Christ on the Cross; it re-presents it (not represents it, but actually presents it again). In other words, it makes the people present at the Mass actually present and witnessing the one and only sacrifice of Our Blessed Lord on the Cross. It is NOT symbolic. It is actual.

Which of Willy's business associates attend his funeral?

Charlie attends Willy's funeral, but none of Willy's other business associates are present.

What do people send to each other to say merry Christmas?

chocolates or presents

How many kids have Christmas presents worldwide?

That is impossible to know because there could be thousands of people who celebrate Christmas and receive presents. The amount of people could be better described as : alot, probably most people in the world, but on the other hand who knows.