

Best Answer

Lda 3000

mov c,a

cpi 02h

jz 2025

cpi 01h

jz 202d

cpi 01h

jz 202d

mvi b,02h

sub b

jz 202d

jnc 2015

inr b

mov a,c

cmp b

jz 2025

jnz 2015

mvi a,01

sta 27f6

jmp 2032

mvi a,0e

sta 27f6

call 06fa


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Q: 8085 program code for n prime number or not?
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What is the code of a c program that will read in a positive integer value and determine If the integer is a prime number and If the integer is a Fibonacci number?

see the program

How do you write a program in 8085?

Either in Assembly or in some high level language/the hex-code (for the mnemonics) that the microprocessor 8085 generally understands.

Can 8085 CPU replace 8086 CPU?

No. The 8086 has instructions not present in the 8085. The 8086 was marketed as "source compatible" with the 8085, meaning that there was a translator program which could convert assembly language code for the 8085 into assembly language code for the 8086. However, this does not mean that the compiled 8086 assembly code would then run on an 8085; among other things, the 8086 was a true 16-bit processor, as opposed to the 8085 which was an 8-bit processor that supported a few 16-bit operations.

Java source code to find prime number?

/* Program to Find whether number is Prime or Not. */ class PrimeNo{ public static void main(String args[]){ int num = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine()); int flag=0; for(int i=2;i

Why are prime numbers used in code creations?

I use prime numbers in code to catalog things with one number. I assign a prime number to a certain characteristic. Then I multiply together the prime numbers for each characteristic contained. Later, that number can be divided a prime number. If a remainder of zero is returned I know it contains the number and what too associate it with.

Is 808 a prime number?

No, but it is the area code for Hawai'i.

How to draw Raptor flow chart for prime number?

Raptor is a program used for script writing and can be used to make flowcharts. Creating a flow chart for determining prime numbers can be done by writing a code that outlines the rules of prime numbers such as dividing by any integer other than the number itself and 1 to get an integer with a remainder.

What does photo shop do with your serial number?

The serial number is a code that unlocks the program.

Difference between delay subroutine and ordinary subroutine in context of 8085?

a subroutine is a portion of the code within a larger program which performs a specific function and is independent of remaining code.....delay routines are subroutines used for maintaining the timings of various operations in microprocessor

Write a program to reverse the upper lower and upper byte of a 16-bit number?

To reverse the upper and lower byte of a 16-bit number in an 8085...LHLD {some number}MOV A,HMOV H,LMOV L,ASHLD {some number}If you want to preserve flags and registers, wrap that section of code in PUSH H, PUSH PSW, and POP PSW, POP H.

C plus plus code that determine prime number?

#include <iostream.h> main() { int a; cout<<"enter a number : "; cin>>a; cout<<endl; if (a%2-1) cout<<"it is a prime number"; else cout<<"it is not a prime number" return 0; } ------------------------------------------ output: enter a number : 30 it is a not a prime number

How can you Write a suitable pseudo code to check whether a number is prime or not?

Begin Read num for(i=2; i<num; i++) if(num%2==0) then print "the number is not a prime no."; else if print "the number is prime"; end if Stop