The original price was $75.00
To calculate 'percent off' you can subtract the percent from 100%, then multiply by the amount, or multiply the percent by the amount, then subtract that from the original amount: 100% - 40% = 60%. (60%) x $80 = $48 (so $48 is the new price). (40%) x $80 = $32 (the amount of the discount is $32). $80 - $32 = $48
Let's call the price A. A × 80% = $65 A × 0.80 = $65 A = $65 ÷ 0.80 A = $81.25
The original price was $75.00
20 is 80/100 of original price, ie 4/5 so original price was 25.
To calculate 'percent off' you can subtract the percent from 100%, then multiply by the amount, or multiply the percent by the amount, then subtract that from the original amount: 100% - 40% = 60%. (60%) x $80 = $48 (so $48 is the new price). (40%) x $80 = $32 (the amount of the discount is $32). $80 - $32 = $48
AnswerIf $12,590 is the sale price and it represents 20% off the original price, then the $12,590 represents 80% of the original price.Po = Original pricePo x 80% = $12,590Po x .8 = $12,590Po = $12,590/.8Po = $15,737.50The original price of the car was $15,737.50___________________________________________________________________$12,590 is actually 80 percent of the original price.$12,590 / .8 = 15,737.50
x * 0.8 = 165 (0.8 = 80 percent of the original price)x = $206.25
$125 was the original price : 80% of 125 is 100.
OK, do the following. 12590 = 80% (original prince - 20%) 12590 / 80 = 157,375 157,375 * 100 = 15737,5 The original price is 15737,5
Let's call the price A. A × 80% = $65 A × 0.80 = $65 A = $65 ÷ 0.80 A = $81.25