1GHz is the same as 1000MHz, so 8GHz is 8000MHz.
Kilo = 1000
Mega = 1000*1000
Giga = 1000*1000*1000
Tera = 1000*1000*1000*1000
Peta = 1000*1000*1000*1000*1000
And so on.
1,000 KHz = 1 MHz
One cycle, in a computer, takes a time that is the reciprocal of the computer's clock rate - that which is expressed in MHz, or - more commonly nowadays - in GHz. Example: if your computer has a clock rate of 3 GHz, the time for a single cycle is (1 / 3 billion) seconds, i.e., 1/3 of a nanosecond, or 333 picoseconds.
It seems you are talking about radio waves. The wavelength (40 m) multiplied by the frequency (7 million / second) must equal the speed of light (300 million meters/second). It seems that in this example numbers, either the wavelength or the frequency, or both, are not expressed with a great accuracy. For example, if 40 meters is exact, the frequency would be close to 7.5 MHz.
400-470 mhz = -70
5 MHz = 1 second divided by 5.000.000 4.77 MHz = 1 second divided by 4.770.000
It takes exactly 1000 MHz to equal 1 GHz http://www.google.com/search?q=1+GHz+in+MHz&btnG
if you mean 1 gigahertz (GHz) equal to in Megabytes (Mb); then the answer is none; they are two different things!
MHz. 1000 MHz = 1 GHz.
MHz and GHz are a measure of frequency. In science frequency = 1/time for one cycle. If a wave takes 0.5 seconds to complete a wave, the frequency is 2 Hz. MHz and GHz in computers measure the same thing. It measures the frequency of the processor (ie, how many cycles it completes in a set time) again, if each cycles takes 0.5 seconds, then your computing speed is 2 Hz. a GHz (giga hertz) is equal to 1000 Mhz (mega hertz) a MHz is equal to 1,000,000 Hz. how is mhz and ghz is measured?
There is about 1.04 GHz in 1066 MHz.
I don't understand the question, unless you are referring to Mhz and Ghz? if so: 1000 Mhz = 1 Ghz So if you had a 2.8 Ghz processor, that would be 2800 Mhz.
No. It is 100 MHz slower.
It isn't a GHz yet... you need 1024 MHz to make 1 Ghz
Gigahertz are faster than Megahertz In computer terms 1024 Megahertz would equal 1 Gigahertz. Therefor a Ghz is faster than a Mhz.
1 GHz = 1,000 MHz.
To convert 3.2 GHz to kHz, you would multiply by 1,000,000 (since 1 GHz = 1,000,000 kHz). Therefore, 3.2 GHz is equal to 3,200,000 kHz.
2990 MHz