

Best Answer

1GHz is the same as 1000MHz, so 8GHz is 8000MHz.

Kilo = 1000

Mega = 1000*1000

Giga = 1000*1000*1000

Tera = 1000*1000*1000*1000

Peta = 1000*1000*1000*1000*1000

And so on.

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Q: 8 GHz would be equal to how much Mhz?
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How many MHz does it take to equal a GHz?

It takes exactly 1000 MHz to equal 1 GHz

What is 1GHz equal to in MB?

if you mean 1 gigahertz (GHz) equal to in Megabytes (Mb); then the answer is none; they are two different things!

What is smaller GHz or MHz?

MHz. 1000 MHz = 1 GHz.

What MHz and GHz measure?

MHz and GHz are a measure of frequency. In science frequency = 1/time for one cycle. If a wave takes 0.5 seconds to complete a wave, the frequency is 2 Hz. MHz and GHz in computers measure the same thing. It measures the frequency of the processor (ie, how many cycles it completes in a set time) again, if each cycles takes 0.5 seconds, then your computing speed is 2 Hz. a GHz (giga hertz) is equal to 1000 Mhz (mega hertz) a MHz is equal to 1,000,000 Hz. how is mhz and ghz is measured?

How many GHz are in 1066 MHz?

There is about 1.04 GHz in 1066 MHz.

Which laptop is more powerful based on the megabyte and gigabyte?

I don't understand the question, unless you are referring to Mhz and Ghz? if so: 1000 Mhz = 1 Ghz So if you had a 2.8 Ghz processor, that would be 2800 Mhz.

Is 1700 MHz faster than 1.8 GHz?

No. It is 100 MHz slower.

What is 900 Mhz in GHz?

It isn't a GHz yet... you need 1024 MHz to make 1 Ghz

What is faster ghz or mbs?

Gigahertz are faster than Megahertz In computer terms 1024 Megahertz would equal 1 Gigahertz. Therefor a Ghz is faster than a Mhz.

What is the difference between GHz and MHz?

1 GHz = 1,000 MHz.

Convert 3.2ghz to khz?

To convert 3.2 GHz to kHz, you would multiply by 1,000,000 (since 1 GHz = 1,000,000 kHz). Therefore, 3.2 GHz is equal to 3,200,000 kHz.

2.99 GHz in MHz?

2990 MHz