10 to the power 8
'Tons'???? Are we talking of Imperial Tons or Metric Tonnes. Note the spelling. 1 (IMperial) ton = 1016 kilograms. Hence 8 (Imperial) tons = 8 x 1016 = 8128 kilograms. However, 1 metric tonne = 1000 kilograms. Hence 8 metric tonnes = 8000 kilograms.
51 kilos
225 lbs = 16 stones, 1 pound. 1 stone = 14 lbs. 8 stones = 1 cwt (abbr: hundredweight) = 112 lbs. 20 cwt = 1 ton = 2,240 lbs. 1 American ton = 2,000 lbs. 1 metric tonne = 2,200 lbs, approx.
around twenty kgs
16,000lbs (US) in a UK ton its 17920 (imperial) in a metric ton its 17636.98
10 to the power 8
I am going on the assumption you mean "metric" ton. A standard ton is 2000 pounds. A metric Ton is 2205 pounds. 6-8 oil barrels equal a ton. assuming its 8 in this case, that is 250 lbs per barrel. That equals ALMOST 9 barrels of oil (8.82). If we assume is it 6 barrels per ton, than 2000 divided into 6 is 333.33. A metric ton (2205) divided into 333 equals 6.62. A bit over 6and a half barrels of crude oil in your metric ton.
8 or 10 Kgs tie wire is used
8 tons 1 US (short) ton = 2000 lb 1 UK (long) ton = 2240 lb 1 tonne (metric) = 2204.6 lb
There are approximately 17,637.7 pounds in 8 metric tons.
8 pounds 6 oz = 3.8 (3.79884) kg
no 1 US (short) ton = 2000 lb 1 UK (long) ton = 2240 lb 1 tonne (metric) = 2204.6 lb
16000 lbs 1 US (short) ton = 2000 lb 1 UK (long) ton = 2240 lb 1 tonne (metric) = 2204.6 lb
'Tons'???? Are we talking of Imperial Tons or Metric Tonnes. Note the spelling. 1 (IMperial) ton = 1016 kilograms. Hence 8 (Imperial) tons = 8 x 1016 = 8128 kilograms. However, 1 metric tonne = 1000 kilograms. Hence 8 metric tonnes = 8000 kilograms.
There are 8.81849 short tons in 8 metric tons.
16,000 lbs or pounds 2,000 lbs per one ton